Tuesday, 13 September 2011

The first rule of Fight Club...

Okay, okay I know I know I have only just blogged my first post and here's another one but I am in a prolific mood right now so I thought use it while it lasts, eh.

So as my Freshers Fortnight approaches I have been busy trying to construe some appropriate costumes for the traditional dress up events. The first one being the Pirate Party which obviously consists of FreshStudents dressing up as swashbuckling awesomness. I hit a conundrum of epic proportions, do I spend my limited cash on ebay fancy dress attire and go all out on the partay or do I wisely spend my money on key pieces which I can alter about to vaguely resemble a pirate of some sort which I can also use in my day to day wardrobe? Hmm I thought, after flicking through my one true loves website (Topshop) I came to the best conclusion I would buy a dress, nice and simple, a white shirt which I can tie at the front wear tights and my boots grab a pirate hat dirt cheap from ebay and curl my hair. That's close to pirate attire right...?
I ended up purchasing the following items:

Both of them are found online on the Topshop website. I felt I could do things with these which I wouldn't be able to do with a fully fledged all out pirate outfit, pretty wise spending I'd say. They are both made of beautiful fabric and are very soft and comfortable I am going to be a contemporary pirate =) I will pair them with my everyday ankle (Topshop again) brown miley boots and a pirate hat indeed purchased from ebay hoping to channel an Anamarie look from POTC (shown below) I will curl my hair loosely and mess it up a little to get that dishevelled just been on the Pearl m'hearty look. (Fingers crossed!)

Well that is my choice for the Pirate do but what do I do about the PsychoCircus, we are talking fire jugglers, wacky circus acts and all at night...ideas given rang around freaky ringmaster all cirque du solei-ish. But that just isn't me, you would never catch me in a corset or anything of that kind, I am way to conservative for my own good. I do understand that fancy dress isn't about what you normally wear you are meant to embody a character but I champion comfort over all things and I would never be comfortable in thigh skimming boots, fish nets, hot pants and a corset (which some will be wearing) Instead I decided to gear more towards the psycho element of the PsychoCircus event. This got me thinking, Psycho, Psycho, Psycho. And this cropped up,

Yes Christian Bale from American Psycho. I quickly purchased fake blood from Ebay, I could splash that all over me and then (here's where the blog title comes in) I thought who plays psycho amazingly just a little lass called Helena Bonham Carter. I am talking Marla from Fight Club (yeah she wasn't but she looked it and it's a great film) and Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter! 

All I could think about was crazy backcombing of my hair which is pretty dark so you could pretend it's black for the night, and lots and lots and lots more eyeliner and mascara to imitate the deranged look. See! Cheap fancy dress ideas, all I needed to buy was a new eyeliner pencil (I use liquid gel by Maybelline it is AMAZING and Rimmel Kohl liner but mine died its just one sharpener experiance away from being a shaving this is technically not a buy as such as I already needed to buy a new one) some fake blood which was about £2. Clothing wise I recently purchased a dark purple fit and flare style dress from Tesco, yes I know not uber fashionista style store but it was very nice and simple. I can pair the dress with my black gladiator heels, black tights and my black long cardi, crazy psycho DONE!
So the moral of this story is, you can dress up in next to nothing or by making smart consumer choices, what I have done has allowed me to have various new outfits for a variety of different things AND I don't waste anything apart from now I will have a pirate hat for no other use but hey I might just use it on a normal day at  a lecture anyone dare point out the obscurity and I might just make them walk the plank...ahoy there!

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