I am finally here, in this remote corner of the United Kingdom. The butterflies shot out the second I glimpsed the sign Penryn (thatta way) and got even worse fluttering furiously away when I saw the next sign entitled, Tremough Campus. Oh it's all real now. After months, weeks, days, hours, it's seconds away, it's now. It's cliche-ishly all a bit surreal, I am sitting here in my flat room typing away. Which is by the way dead to the world-my flatmates are much more social then I but utterly lovely-to be honest though you would all be unsocial if you hadn't slept for 2 days and being the avid sleeper I am I am dying here. Anyway, after trekking 7 hours from my awesome hometown of Brighton I finally arrived only to find out I had to drag my possibly 18 bags of luggage up a flight of stairs, thankfully my brother helped. Man do I not travel light! I have more kitchen stuff then needed and way to much food. Within 2 hours, a takeaway indian, some shifting about, pin stabbing and bluetacking moments to adore I was flicking away with my Kodak to capture the first-and last time-my room was cleaned, and here are these moments for you to enjoy. (Yes I know it's not clinically clean at least it's neat-ish) Also sorry for the awful photography just that that my finger isn't visible in any photo....
>My door, I had extra photos/certificates/postcards to put up so I decided I would build on this collage throughout the year ;)
> My view from my door, big table, photo collage on bookcase, printer, personal kettle, laptop and matching chair and curtains snazzy
> My ironing board, double bed with lovely overhead light, and my prized pineapple (who needs a pot plant when you can add a tropical feel and eat it after ((which is what we did))
>My noticeboard minus any notices, you might have noticed that neither of my posters go together, well thats just me I am an eclectic mix, another montage of photos, my free cat calendar (I hate cats) and my best friends handmade birthday card
>A view of my desk, I even have a phone and lots of mugs so special.
>My ensuite soo shiny
> My ensuite, I have an excellent shower and snazzy towels
> I have a safe which I don't know how to open but ah well I don't have valuables I am cheap (see Argos Value box)
> My wardrobe, select clothes which all really need ironing...we'll see.
Well this is mi casa for the next 3 months then I fly back home for Xmas...scary scary thoughts.... this is where the journey begins.